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What Are the Warning Signs of ADHD in Children?

Find out if your child should be tested for ADHD.

Most kids will act and have behaviors that look a lot like ADHD, but these situations are few and far between; however, what if your child is fidgeting, squirmy, forgetful, falling behind in school and displaying ADHD symptoms more regularly? Wondering if it’s time to schedule an ADHD evaluation with our Montgomery Village & Clarksburg, MD, pediatricians Dr. Armina Rahman, Dr. Hershita Raheja and Dr. Jacqueline Douge?

Here are some questions to ask yourself,

  • Does my child should several signs of ADHD?
  • Do my child’s behaviors seem odd or different compared to peers?
  • Is my child having trouble in school?
  • Is my child struggling socially?
  • Are my child’s behaviors causing problems at home?
  • Is my child regularly getting into trouble?
  • Is it tough for my child to stick with a daily routine?

If you said “yes” to many of these questions, it might be best to talk these over with our Montgomery Village & Clarksburg, MD, pediatricians to find out if your child should be assessed for ADHD.

What are the warning signs of ADHD in children? 

There are three main symptoms of ADHD: inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Kids do not need to display all three to be diagnosed with ADHD. It may be time to schedule an ADHD evaluation with us if you notice many of these behaviors in your child,

  • Restlessness, fidgeting and squirming
  • Has trouble sitting still or playing quietly
  • Has difficulty socializing or playing with others
  • Talks out of turn and doesn’t raise their hand
  • Often caught daydreaming or not listening
  • Has trouble following instructions
  • Has trouble finishing tasks or jumps from one task to the other before completing
  • Often forgetful and misplaces items
  • Full of endless energy and “bouncing off the walls”
  • Difficulty focusing

A child must show six of the nine symptoms before age 12 to be diagnosed with ADHD. Children may even start to display symptoms as early as preschool, which is why most children are evaluated at four years old for ADHD; however, the average age for an ADHD diagnosis in children is seven years old.

To schedule an ADHD evaluation with our Montgomery Village & Clarksburg, MD, pediatricians Dr. Armina Rahman, Dr. Hershita Raheja and Dr. Jacqueline Douge, call Clarksburg Pediatrics at (301) 528-8181.

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